Dear coaches, parents,
Well done for all those who braved the weather to bring their volleyballers to the Riverside Leisure Centre Saturday just gone. Most of the players missing were Wiltshire based, and it was unfortunate but totally understood as you were hit worse than Somerset and Devon. I know what Swindon was like because I had to take a party of children for a day trip to Swindon on the Sunday, and although the main roads were great, all the side roads leading into the main roads in town were dangerous. It must have been worse on the Saturday.
This email is being pushed out to everyone. We had concerned coaches and parents wanting to know our decision about the chances of further training opportunities with the regional squads after not getting the chance to train on Saturday due to bad weather.
On Saturday, Anthony Roberts and I decided that we will continue to invite all the players for future monthly sessions. In our wisdom, we recognised that some of the younger players thrive off these monthly 5 hour sessions, they equate to 5 x 1 hour sessions in their local clubs, so getting 5 hours in one day makes for 5 weeks of volleyball practise to some. What a fantastic setup we can offer them, and Anthony and I felt that it is just too long a gap between February and September to wait for these sessions to come round for them again.
Please let your volleyballers know to attend sessions in February and March, and we’ll take it from there.
All the best, and we appreciate all the great work you are doing in helping them develop their games in their respective schools and clubs.
Jurek and Anthony
SWVA Junior Boys Coaches