Equipment Funding

sport-england-fundingIn order to create a world-class community sports structure we need to invest in sport at every level and that is why we fund hundreds of different projects every year.

Whether you are a village club who needs to purchase extra equipment or a multi-million pound facility that hosts Olympic athletes, we have a funding stream that can help you.

I recently attended on behalf of the SWVA a Sport England presentation on the government and National Lottery backed funding opportunities via Sport England. As the web site states, their are various funding opportunities available, of particular interest to us is the “Small Grants” fund for equipment. This is open so you can apply all year around and could be used for items like ref stands, volleyball posts, fixings, beach net systems, fixed training net systems etc.

Small Grants uses Lottery funding to make awards of between £300 and £10,000 to not-for-profit organisations to help more people play sport.

  • Applications must be for between £300 and £10,000 and total project costs must not exceed £50,000.
  • Projects must be deliverable in a 12 month period from the date of our award letter.
  • Projects must be focused on sports that are recognised by Sport England. Please note that for sports that Sport England deem higher risk, appropriate affiliation to the National Governing Body will be required. Please call 08458 508 508 if you are unsure whether your sport fits this criterion.
  • Your project must be delivered to beneficiaries based in England.
  • Your project start date must be at least 10 weeks after submission of your completed application and supporting documents.
  • Your project must be for new activity and new costs associated with helping more people play sport.


If however you are looking to build a inland Beach Volleyball court, in a park or a school area, then you should check out the “Protecting Playing Fields” fund. A fund set up to allow sports to purchase or to develop existing sport fields in partnership with others for the benefit of the area (£10K to £50K).

This category is currently closed but another round of funding will be made available early in 2014, so start planning your venture if you would like to apply.

Checkout the FAQ for more info, email or call them on 08458 508 508.

Note, 80% of all applications are rejected because they are not complete, check the T&C’s and make sure your application meets the requirements, if you need help, call them.

Dave Reece


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