Handling Consistency

There has been debate, at last year’s Referee Conference and through feedback from other events, around the current interpretation to calling ‘double contact’ and ‘catch’ in volleyball.

We have not relaxed our approach, these should be called as faults. However, referees are allowed some leniency in the interest of ‘keeping the ball flying’ but where faulty contact is obvious – it must be called in all circumstances.

Please continue to call these faults where necessary, bearing in mind that you have some degree of leniency from a perfect contact.

There has been a couple of excellent articles on the topic shared on the Volleyball England Referees Facebook page. The ’11 Points on Ball Handling’ (from www.referee.com) article digs into the thought process behind making a judgement on a handling call.

The idea of handling is also explored in another piece about just how difficult it is to make some calls and how the real important thing to do if you suspect you’ve missed a call – is not compound it with ‘phantom’ calls. The feature, called ‘Don’t Compound Missed Calls’ (from www.referee.com) is also well worth a read.

If you wish to discuss the issue of handling consistency, please contact one of your Volleyball England Officials Group members.

From Referee newsletter

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