Circulation – Clubs, NVL Teams, Junior Contacts, Competitions and Regional Working Groups
Hi all,
Please find below an update on Junior Competitions for the 2017-18 season and recommendations for 2018-19 and beyond.
The Junior Competitions Review has made the following decisions at a meeting on 7th June 2017, after consideration of and being led by the replies from the Junior Competitions questionnaire sent out by Freda Bussey, Competitions and Events Director.
1. The Under 18 Grand Prix is to be removed from the calendar for 2017-8.
2. The Under 18 National Championships to be re-structured over a longer period of time rather than pre January, in line with the U16 competition.
3. The Under 15 competition to align with the format of both the Under 16 and Under 18 National Championships and have multiple rounds in the future. However, due to only having 3 weekends set aside in the 2017-18 calendar, the format of Regional, Divisional and National Finals will remain for this season. All Regions will have 2 places at the Divisional round and may have to have earlier rounds if needed. More dates will be included for 2018-19 calendar, to allow this change to happen for 2018-19.
4. Unify all entry fees for Under 15, Under 16 and Under 18 Competitions. The fee will be set at £35 for every team entered, and the layered payment structure for multiple entries removed.
5. One document to be prepared encompassing all Volleyball England Age group competition regulations.
6. All further competition changes for 2018-9 season to be agreed by the end of January 2018 based on recommendations from the ongoing Competitions Review.
Recommendations and decisions made at the Regional Chairs meeting – Saturday 29th July 2017
1. For the season 2017-18 the Inter Regional competition girls ages would change to 6 aside Under 15 and Under 17 to mirror the boys competitions.
2. The 2018 competition will be held on the Bank Holiday weekend 26th-28th May 2018 at The National Volleyball Centre, Kettering.
3. It was agreed that the competition would stay on the second May Bank Holiday in future but could move to the first May Bank holiday if a suitable venue could not be secured for the second May Bank Holiday.
4. Under 14 competitions for both boys and girls are run by several Regions either as monthly Grand Prix or single tournaments. We encourage all regions to develop Under 14 competitions and would like to see a National Finals weekend run by VE. The meeting also liked the idea of a National Under 14 competition that could be entered by individual teams. These 2 competitions could run alongside one another to form a “Festival”.
5. Beach Volleyball, Sitting Volleyball and the reintroduction of the Regional Trophy were also discussed and it was agreed that these would be discussed further at the next Regional Chairs meeting, after consultation with their committees.
A news article covering these changes will be published on the website and across our media platforms on Monday.
Should you have any questions about these changes, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Best regards,
Jonathan Moore
Competitions and Events Coordinator
T: 01509 227727