Annual Awards

The South West Volleyball Association appreciates the importance of volunteers in our sport and the huge contribution they make.

The Annual Awards go a little way to recognise their contribution and we hope that clubs and members will nominate those who they believe have put in their time and energy to assure the future development of volleyball.

All nominees for volunteer awards must be part of an affiliated club or association. Nominees for the coach or referee awards must be currently registered Volleyball England Coaches or Referees (or have recently retired from long-standing registration / membership).

Nominators must follow guidelines given on the sheets which can be downloaded from the website as well as providing any additional relevant information that may apply.

Award categories:

  • Doreen Dingle Administrator Award
  • Bert Williams Referee Award
  • SW Coach Award
  • Commitment to SW Volleyball Award
  • SW Contribution to Volleyball Award
SWVA Awards 2024

2024 Coaches Award – Cliff Ball

Cliff Ball (Left) collecting his award from Dave Reece (Chair)

For many years of club coaching and for guiding the U15 Boys to winning the Inter-Regional Championships this year, for the first time in over a decade.

2024 Bert Williams Referees Award – Jayne Jones

Jayne Jones

Jayne has been a leading referee in Cardiff for many years (decades) and active in refereeing seminars and VE’s “Her Call” initiative to name a few.

2024 Commitment to SW Volleyball – Louise Luckraft

Louise Luckraft

Lou has been an integral part of the volleyball landscape in Plymouth and the South West for the last 29 years. Having started playing at the tender age of 36 she has gone from being a beginner to establishing herself as an NVL player and has held various roles over the years to contribute towards the sport and the community she loves.

2024 Doreen Dingle Award for administration – Lindsay and Greg Hole

Greg (back Left)

Both Lindsay and Greg have given over 20 years’ service to volleyball in the Poole-Bournemouth area. Rather than decreasing with time, it seems to be increasing.
Lindsay and Greg founded Poole Panthers VC over 20 years ago and have run, coached and subsidised it since. Lindsay is Vice-Chair, Association Secretary and Safeguarding Officer of Volleyball Dorset.

2024 Contribution to SW Volleyball – Camille Kok

Camille has been an instrumental part of the University of Bath volleyball club for the past 3 years, particularly over the past two years where she has both been the club’s treasurer and then secretary. She is the first point of contact for anyone in the club to make things happen, from court bookings to helping with invoicing, to even helping in the organisation of numerous club events that have proved vital to the club’s growth and development – always with a smile on her face and a warm tone which brightens everyone’s day.

SWVA Awards 2023

2023 Doreen Dingle Award for administration – Mark Horseman

Mark Horseman (right) being presented with the Doreen Dingle award by Gloucestershire VA Vice-Chair Craig Maller.

2023 Bert Williams Referees Award – Ignazio Diaz

Ignazio Diaz (right) being presented with the Bert Williams award by SW Secretary Ron Richards.

2023 Commitment to SW Volleyball – Dave Reece

2023 Coaches Award – Jeremy Harris

2023 Contribution to SW Volleyball – Flo Ermeje

SW Beach Team Manager & SW U17 Assistant Coach for the Inter Regional Championships Program.

SWVA Awards 2022

2022 Doreen Dingle Award for administration – Rachel Swindell

This years Doreen Dingle award, for outstanding adminitration has gone to our long term fixture secretary Rachel Swindell for her work (once again) with the SWVA league, SW Vets, SW Championships events and her work as part of the back ground admin team with the SW Squads.

2022 Bert Williams Referees Award – Janet Leach & Su Brennand

A joint award this year, to two of our SW referees. Regular attendees at National events, particularly the Inter Regional Championships and have volunteered and worked at the SW Champs since 2015.

2022 Commitment to SW Volleyball – Neil Bentley

This year’s SWVA Commitment award to volleyball has gone to Neil Bentley. As well as SWVA Treasurer, Neil has also stepped in to help arrange the SW Junior Volleyball Tournaments (JuVoTo), Under 15 Boys assistant coach for 2021/22, IRC minibus drive, volunteer at this year’s SW Champs event as well as running his own Club.

2022 Coaches Award – Janna Rogers

The Coach of the year award has gone to Janna Rogers, for her work with this year’s SW U15 Girl’s squad. Janna has stepped up from assistant coach to take over the role of Head Coach and have guided the squad and her coaching team throughout the year. Resulting in a silver medal for the squad at this year’s Inter Regional Championships.

2022 Contribution to SW Volleyball – Kirsty Tapp

The SW Contribution award is presented to one of our younger volunteer, that has contribution to the sport within the region. Kirsty joined U17 Boys squad as Assistant coach this year, and has done an excellent job throughout the season and at this years Inter Regional Championships.

SWVA Awards 2021

2021 Doreen Dingle Award for administration – Martin Oram

For the last 30 plus years, Martin has run clubs, tournaments, local associations, and league programs. Most people in the regions will remember the Exeter Summer tournaments, Martin organised the majority of these as well as being the main organiser of the Exmouth Beach Tournament from the mid 90’s for a 10 year period. A spell as the EDVA Chairman, running the associated league and tournament programs, plus the Exeter Wanderers VC for many years.

Mostly known locally today as the main organiser behind the popular Coaver Volleyball league, which runs weekly evening and lunchtime league programs throughout the summer months. That’s typically 10 courts, three divisions with 30 plus teams playing Park Volleyball or Coaver Rules as it’s known locally.

With no indoor volleyball taking place anywhere across East Devon during the last 18 months, the sport locally has relied heavily on the Coaver outdoor program during 2020 & 2021.

2021 Bert Williams Referees Award – Charlie Huitson

2021 Commitment to SW Volleyball – Ron Richards

This is or was Ron’s 50th year as SWVA secretary, there are few that have shown such commitment to the SWVA, having helped to set up the association in 1969 whilst still a student at Exeter University. Alongside his secretarial duties Ron was also the editor and distributor of the SW Timeout Newsletter for many decades and continues to represent the SW clubs and local associations on the Regional Commission, as well as stepping in as treasurer on several occasions.

In addition to his work directly for the association he has also made numerous contributions to the sport across the South West. These include being involved in the running of several clubs (Speedwell, City of Bristol and Priory), and tournaments such as Whitefield, Priory and the SW junior grand prix program.

2021 Coaches Award – Kate Falkner

Kate is committed to the development of youth volleyball within the South West and South Wales areas. She provides excellent sessions to the girls that will allow them to progress as volleyball players throughout their volleyball careers. She dose so much planing and also personal development to make sure she is giving her all to the cause.

She is always smiling and always approachable if any one needs and wants help. She’s a great example of someone who loves the sport and developing young athletes.

2021 Contribution to SW Volleyball – Helen Rushby

Since Oct 2020, Helen has been running her own group within our U15/16 girls programme. We have approx 30 girls training and Helen runs the beginners/less experienced group, of around 14 girls. Helen runs 2 sessions per week, planning the sessions herself, but regularly discusses content, etc with her coaching mentor.

The group has progressed well and enjoys Helen’s sessions. Helen also helps with the U12 group. She coaches twice per week, so 5 hours coaching per week. To help develop her coaching, during a lockdown, Helen completed a Six-Week ‘Virtual Coaching Mentorship’ course run by the Changing the Game Project organisation, based in the US.

Helen was invited to join the Wessex Board, as a co-opted member, and since joining has contributed to several projects, – including the creation of interactive spreadsheets to help with longer-term planning and sponsorship packages.

SWVA Awards 2020

2020 Doreen Dingle Award for administration – Kerry Newman (posthumous)

Kerry has been a regular member of the SW Volleyball Family for many years. As a player at the top end of the NL program, several years as back ground support for the SWVA Inter Regional Championships squads and the SWVA first Child Welfare Office.

Junior coach at Taunton Volleyball Club since 2008, leading the development of the Minors and managing the Junior Grand Prix teams. She was a true inspiration and support to many of our young players.


(It is with great sadness that we learnt that Kerry passed away on the 20th May from Cancer)

2020 Bert Williams Referees Award – Donna Cunningham


Donna has been our most active referee in the SW League and SW Championships over the last two seasons.

She is an example to many people with her attitude, willingness to officiate and high standards.


2020 Commitment to SW Volleyball – Jurek Jankowski


Jurek is a key volunteer in the workings of SW junior Volleyball program. With the arranging and promoting of the monthly JuVoTo (Junior Volleyball Tournaments) events throughout the region and the annual mini championships.

Jurek also provides background supports and oversees our Inter Regional Championship Coaching team.

2020 Coaches Award – Ben Fairweather

Ben, (Back right) with the 2017 IRC U17 Boys Squad

Ben joined the SW IRC coaching team in 2015 and progressed to Boys U17 Head Coach. The boys in recent years have been regulars in the IRC final with one 1st and two 2nd place finishes to their name.

As well as coaching at the Exeter Storm Volleyball Club, Ben is always looking to expand his coaching work and has recently joined the Volleyball England Cadet coaching team and the SW Inter Regional Beach Coaching team.

2020 Contribution to SW Volleyball – Anna Lotowska

Anna is a non-playing coach at Bemi VC & Bristol Spikers VC, attending several training and match session each week, despite living in Newport & having her very own young family.

Over the last five years Anna has also been working through her level 1 & 2 coaching courses and has coached the same group of girls through mini volleyball at Spikers VC through to adult volleyball with Bemi VC.

The same group of young women are now confident players happy to step into any volleyball environment with faith in their own ability. This includes exploring university choices with one eye on the right university to get the best volleyball.

Anna is also an incredible female role model & so important for the female juniors coming through to aspire too.

Eagles eyed readers may recall that Anna also recently won the 2019 SW Champs “Spirit of the Tournament” award, as voted by the tournament officials. Anna is a young coach who is bring plenty of fun and commitment to the sport.

SWVA Awards 2019

2019 Doreen Dingle Award for administration – Cliff Ball

Cliff has been a long-term administrator with the South West VA and Wiltshire VA plus recent work on the National scene with Children and Young Persons development.


Cliff Ball (left) receiving the Doreen Dingle award from SWVA Representative Tim Clifford

2019 Bert Williams Referees Award – Daniel Sarnik



Dan is a regular referee at SW Champs and progressing through the NVL structure with recent Division One Matches and the SW Champs Final.



2019 Coaches Award – Dave Gunter


Dave has given a tremendous commitment to coaching over the last few years with the South West VA, Wessex VC Juniors & Senior teams, VE Staff Tutor and Southampton Solent University.




2019 Commitment to SW Volleyball – Ros Sutherland


Ros Sutherland has been one of longest serving members of the SWVA coaching teams as well as her development work in the region and her local East Devon area.


Ros Sutherland receiving the SW Commitment award from SWVA Chairman Dave Reece

2019 Contribution to SW Volleyball – Immy Dawes

Immy has been assisting and coaching junior sessions in the SWVA and the Academy of Beach Sport during the last 10 years.

Managing a range of athletes and supporting their parents on their journey through the sport.

Immy Dawes receiving the SW Contribution award from SWVA Representative Tim Clifford

2019 Spirit of the Tournament Awards (SW Champs)

The Spirit of the Tournament award winners are chosen by the SW referees. This years Women’s award went to Anna Letowska from Bemi VC and for the Men, this year’s winner was Cono, who was busy assisting his Mum’s & Gran’s team throughout the weekend.


Ladies Spirit of the Tournament award, Anna Lotowska (No 13)

SWVA Awards 2018

2018 Doreen Dingle Award for administration – Neil Bentley

Awarded to Neil for his work with the SW Junior Squads for the last two seasons. A lot of back ground admin work for our Junior Training sessions and organising the big weekend away for everyone at the Inter Region Championships.

2018 Bert Williams Referees Award – Jacky Pang

2018 Coaches Award – Phil Gorton

2018 Commitment to SW Volleyball – Chris Beer

2018 Contribution to SW Volleyball  – Luis Stanbury


A new award this year to reward and to celebrate the contribution of our younger members in the sport.

Our first winner is Luis Stanbury for his work with the SW Junior squads and the volleyball program in Plymouth.

2018 Spirit of the Tournament Award (SW Champs)

Jacky Pang picking up the spirit of the tournament award yesterday from SWVA Referee Administrator Chris Semmens

Annual Awards – Past Years