We have managed to catch up with England Cadet Boys and the Malory Eagles coach, Carol Gordon.
Carol reveals how she operates as a coach while preparing her players for matches and what pre-match methods she applies to promote a good performance from her teams.
We all know marginal gains can be the difference between winning and losing and Carol give some insight into a few of her own.
Q: As a coach of a number of different teams and players of a wide ranging ability, is there anything that you keep and replicate for all teams?
A: My personal philosophy is to explain each decision that I make to promote a positive learning environment for all my players. Any decision that I would make within a match, would have already been practised with the group in training, so any in game substitution or tactics are never a surprise and don’t add to the already existing pressures of the game.
I have adopted this way of thinking from when I used to play as a tactical service substitute and a defender. I always knew when I was about to get subbed on to the court, because we had already practised it in training. A player who is already aware of the fact that they are coming on is likely to be more switched on and would be more effective for your team. This is something I look to train in my players and adapt to all the squads I am involved with.
See the full interview at: https://www.volleyballengland.org/exclusive_carol_gordon_interview