VE Update & Volleyzone Help

Join us for a Volleyball England update, plus a Volleyzone Q&A Help session, online on 30th September 11:15 to 11:45, all welcome.

If you are like me, you will have noticed that the new Volleyzone Sportlomo software has had a few issues and personally I have been unable to access a number of my clubs, teams & league features or add my committee members and volunteers.

Hema Choudhary (Project Lead- Community Stakeholder Engagement) will be joining us at the next SWVA meeting (30th Sept) and will be giving us a VE update, including details on the new insurance provider for the sport. Hema has also offered to run a Volleyzone Q&A Help session for everyone, so please join us.

It’s free to join, please register via the SW Ticket Tailor for details.

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