It’s always good to see new summer events and the various formats of our sport being used. Park Life Heavitree is an Exeter base community volunteer group and this years they added the sport of volleyball to their summer sport event. In the lead up to the event, Peryanaden Coolen ran and coached a number of Saturday afternoon sessions in the Park which proved popular.
For the tournament event, teams travelled from as far away as Cornwall and Wiltshire to take part, Torexe VC also hosted a junior come and try it session which proved popular throughout the day.
Other sports were also represented during the day including the Exeter Chiefs inflatable Rugby obstacle course, the Exeter City free kick Football dart board and Exeter Basket ball. The whole event was free to all kids including ice creams and smoothes and it was an excellent alround success.
After a long hot sunny day, it was kernow who took the main prize, more photos at photo-album and few Park Volleyball Guidelines at: