Time To Listen (TTL) is a workshop designed to support Club Welfare Officers. The workshop is easy to follow and will enable you to fully understand your role in the club, and help you to effectively safeguard young people in your care. The TTL course has been developed by the Child Protection in Sport Unit of the NSPCC.
Date & Venue
The Exeter & District VA have now arranged a TTL course on Monday, June 6th, 7-10 pm at the Coaver Club in Exeter. The cost will be £35 per candidate and refreshments will be provided. (Cheques payable to the EDVA)
To Book your place, please email Ros Sutherland at ros.sutherland@googlemail.com
Who Needs to Attend?
All sports need to have a Club Welfare Officer next year and the sport of Volleyball is no different. To take part in any volleyball events, clubs need to be registered with Volleyball England with one or two Club Welfare Officer’s who have completed a Time To Listen and a Safe Guarding Course.
Do Colleges and Universities need to have a CWO (Exeter Uni VC, Plymouth Uni, Plymouth Marjon VC, Exeter College VC)?
As Colleges and Universities compete in AoC Sport and BUCS competitions
respectively, they already have an over-arching welfare provision in place. However if
either compete in the EDVA, SWVA or VE leagues & competitions they will need to adhere to the club requirements.
How many CWO’s does my club need?
What happens if my club’s CWO leaves and needs to be replaced. Or if their
qualifications expire? The club will be required to complete a three-month waiver form which will give them a three-month window to appoint and upskill a new CWO. Hence it’s recommended by the EDVA committee that each club has two qualified CWO’s.
Adult Only Club
If you register your club as “Adult Only”, then you will be banned from having any U18 players in your team. The EDVA committee will look at amending the rules
As this is a legal requirement for your club to operate, it is anticipated that club’s will be sponsoring their candidates to attend the course. As above it is generally suggested that a club has a minimum of two trained CWO’s.
Full List of FAQ: http://www.edva.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Safeguarding-Frequently-Asked-Questions.pdf